Source code for paxter.pyauthor.funcs.standards

Collection of standard functions for Python authoring mode.
import inspect
from typing import Any, Iterator, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Union

from paxter.core import Command, Text
from paxter.core.exceptions import PaxterRenderError
from paxter.pyauthor.wrappers import DirectApply

    from paxter.pyauthor.visitor import RenderContext

def python_unsafe_exec(context: 'RenderContext', node: Command):
    Unsafely executes pyauthor code within the main argument.
    if node.options:
        raise PaxterRenderError("expected empty options section")
    if not isinstance(node.main_arg, Text):
        raise PaxterRenderError("expected raw text")
    code = inspect.cleandoc(node.main_arg.inner)
    exec(code, context.env)

def intro_unsafe_eval(phrase: str, env: dict) -> Any:
    Unsafely evaluates the given paxter phrase.
    However, if the phrase is within the _symbols_ mappings,
    its mapped value will be returned instead.
    if phrase in env:
        return env[phrase]
    symbols = env.get('_symbols_', {})
    if phrase in symbols:
        return symbols[phrase]
    return eval(phrase, env)

[docs]def flatten(data, is_joined: bool = True) -> Union[List[str], str]: """ Flattens the nested list of elements by unrolling them into a single list. Unless the ``is_joined`` option is disabled, all elements will be combined to a single string. >>> flatten(["Hello", ",", " ", "World", "!"]) "Hello, World!" >>> flatten(["Hello", [",", " "], ["World"], "!"]) "Hello, World!" >>> flatten(["Hello", [",", " "], ["World"], "!"], is_joined=False) ["Hello", ",", " ", "World", "!"] >>> flatten("Hello, World!") "Hello, World!" >>> flatten("Hello, World!", is_joined=False) ["Hello, World!"] """ seq = _rec_flatten_tokenize(data) if is_joined: return ''.join(str(element) for element in seq) else: return list(seq)
def _rec_flatten_tokenize(data) -> Iterator: if isinstance(data, list): for element in data: yield from _rec_flatten_tokenize(element) else: yield data